
Recoding the classroom

Short extracts taken from a thinkwithgoogle article.

If the world we live in looks nothing like it did three decades ago, and even less like it will three decades hence, is it right that the classroom of today would be instantly recognizable to your mother, your mother’s mother, or your constantly networking, cell phone-obsessed daughter?  While we intuitively weave new tools into our everyday lives – blogging, tweeting, texting, and using Google as if by instinct – inside school walls, it’s like they don’t exist.

“Almost everything we know about school was designed for the late eighteenth century, when the invention of steam-powered presses made books available to common people.  Partly, it was about social control; how you take this massive group of people that are becoming literate and educate them for the industrial workplace. Now here we are, in this fourth information age where everybody can broadcast themselves, and we’re still working with a top-down, hierarchical system.”
Cathy Davidson

Full article

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